The universal bromide from that video "robots don't get sick or need lunch breaks" is laughable. They get "sick" when a servo fails or mechanical pieces snap from metal fatigue, or even when their code gets corrupted by a lightning EMP etc. Also, not only do they need "lunch", they constantly need fed electricity, if their diet is interrupted for a nanosecond they either quit or go berserk. There is much more to reflect upon with your excellent post, but I haven't sufficient coffee in my sentient brain to sort out.

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Electricity = the ultimate long lunch.

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Anyway we have a beautiful soft lovely snow outside, time for mind to take a break 😬

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Yes we do. I’m headed up to Cadillac on Sunday.

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Honestly this is where my learning gap is huge. When I hear of things like this, I see the Matrix or humans becoming completely irrelevant and only the top 10% flourishing economically, only because they are in tech and get it. So we create an entire world of 3rd world people that are what? I do not want the US to lose autonomy due to a global currency. Maybe my fear is overwhelming my rational thinking. There is just much here, so much and so many people whose brains are just not geared to this. I look at my millennial age family and they seem to be caught in the either or category. Really my son in laws book, The Ethics of Doing Nothing is more relevant now. We invest, either get it or not and our lifestyle is dictated globally by AI?

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I think the oligarchs very much want us to think that something coming that will be the Transcendence. But when you look at Elizabeth Holmes and her weird demeanor and see many of the same traits, it means there is no potency to their super intelligence that will be a new god. It’s all grift.

Showing it up as the foolishness that it is will help halt this lurch to slavery of the mind. The Tech Bros have a bunch of groupies who think we’ll end scarcity. Sam Altman has contributed to studies on Universal Basic Income. He thinks there is a shift that will require a new social contract. The people defending him on YouTube this afternoon see their position in that power structure being threatened.

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So the movies I remember are Transcendence and HER, I mean besides “Matrix” And, the shift that requires the social contract will be his enterprise? Where does Larry fit in? I get AI has a place, but it is not God, God is not just Intelligent nor artificial. I hope it does do what you say bc it is foolish and it is truly slavery of the mind. They are the slave state on all levels now, from blueberries to this

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The global AI “space race” is similar to the actual space race of the 60s in that it’s a huge money pit that governments proclaim is essential for national security without explaining why, and then eventually use the technology to more efficiently abuse human rights. I just hope AI replaces my job before Pajeet does.

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Great point, that brings up OPs concern about tech companies being deemed “too big to fail” and having the taxpayer backstop any poor financial decisions. At the least, these companies will essentially become defense contractors and attribute most of their revenue to government spending.

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The good thing about the NSM being nixed is it doesn't lock out smaller players. While I think the problem of AI hallucination makes it hard to say it would be used in place of people, I think are other areas that AI could unlock some great potential. The Big Tech Hive Mind won't consider those. But entrepreneurs will. DeepSeek's methods could be a huge boost to that effort and break the hold that the big players have. I truly want to see that.

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I also love some good free market competition but I wouldn’t be surprised to see consolidation as they regulate the crap out of the industry. The FCC should have a field day with new antitrust legislation but the reality will look more like a few government chosen winners. The black market scene should be pretty damn cool though.

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The NSM really concerned me. Coupled with Department of Defense new program for bolstering supply chains and declaring the economy as part of a strong defense, it would mean the tech industry would be more likely to be "protected".

With the NSM being gone it doesn't necessarily mean it's not forgotten and won't come back in another form.

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