I have subscriptions to gift, anyone you would like to have follow your Substack? Happy to gift them, for you and for Jason….if you can think of people that would read them, need them, benefit by them and spread your knowledge, please let me know through private DM and am happy to gift away!

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Thank you for thinking of that. Off hand I don’t have short list of people. Maybe some folks from the MI GOP community like Meghan Reckling? We’ll chat about that.

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Great article as always, my feelings about Oracle and their fearless whimp are well known.. I hope people tune it, lots of great and important info here We have not hear anything from Elon about this have we? Hmmmm…. He usually is not quiet

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Lets just use it for elections and drop boxes 😂

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Is that the Saudi Prince who committed 600 billion to Trumps administration? I thought Trump was going find something to piss Elon off, I never saw them as forever parters.. we will see… I hate Ellison he is a very cruel man, he and Soros would make good companions, is Trump in too deep?

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It’s going to be run through SoftBank and Masayoshi Son. Son has 100 Billion now and Abu Dhabi was going to contribute 7 billion.

Re Trump I’m not sure. So far it looks like he’s cutting the red tape to allow the nuclear reactors to be located right at the data centers. That was his suggestion to Altman. From what I can tell that’s the only involvement of the federal government so far. Whether he understands about the mRNA I can’t say. My hope is RFK gets involved. But again, it sounds like a bunch of CEO dumb nonsense. Dr Malone explained to it quite well.

My hope is that this jump starts nuclear utilization and we stop the solar, etc.

What I didn’t put in the article was the fact that China can’t compete with the number of data centers that the US can, and that will help OpenAI stay ahead of the curve with competitors. But the new DeepSeek model really puts pressure on OpenAI to keep innovating because DeepSeek performs as well for a lot less, and took far less computing resources to produce.

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I wish we could do a true house cleaning, get all of the old stale blood out, I don’t know what it is like to have 500million dollars thrown at me, I do know there are people that can’t be bought but more who can anyway, living in SE Asia is not for the faint hearted, it was nice to come home once in awhile and just trust what I would eat or drink was clean and there were not dengue fever mosquitoes everywhere

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I am pro nuclear as well, I think we have grown and learned to create safer reactors, Whitmer is just keeping energy soaring to break us down and beg for solar and wind. mRNA is hopefully something Trump has learned to listen to many sources; I think RFK may have to be a Recess Appt. I just saw a post where a conservative PR firm that helped fund Nicki Haley and supported by RINO’s is leading the charge to keep RFK out. I don’t know if its real or fake news, but I do believe it is more than just Democrats that are owned by Big Pharma Black Rock etc

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That is good, I have watched several of the you tube videos from the China guys and it really does remind me of my time in SE Asia, even the time I spent in China, it is all a facade, it is crumbling, they are dying for US dollars, so much so they were selling things from the Forbidden City when I was there, I have real artifacts in my home… that aside, outside of the Middle East , Asia is a shit show, well Singapore is clean, Malaysia is not too bad but they are right. It’s all cheap, when you go as a tourist you have to stay with a guide , can only go to pre approved restaurants, only see certain parts of the cities and Great Wall..but if you have American dollars, you can get around a bit differently

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It's amazing that Paul Krugman and Tom Friedman have been able to weave tales that China is ascendent, they can get things done, and due to central planning they are superior to the US. For how many years have we heard that mantra?

And now that we have pulled out of the Paris accords, the climate change proponents look to China to be the figure to make it all work because they produce the solar panels and batteries. That is all technology that the globalists syphoned from us and allowed China to run with the production. As well as corner the lease options on the world's mineral supply.

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I do not know the full extent of the consequences of that; do you think it was short sighted of Trump? I have been so focused on stopping Whitmer I haven’t looked at the big picture. I do think that people need to know that while China is not the Seoul or Tokyo of Asia, XI’s willingness to sacrifice his own people for perception in order to get real power and influence is very real. Where is Russia’s presence in all of this, have they really fallen that far behind?

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I grow concerned when people react and say "China is plotting to take us over" and yet they are already here and manufacturing to a large extent, and they produce what we are "unwilling" to do ourselves according to our leaders. I guess my point is sure, the CCP wants to advance it's aims, but we are in large part the progenitors of the collectivization that's eating us from within. The globalists have experiment in China for decades, and are using it as a tool against us.

From what I saw, a lot of the market for the AI is dropping in value. This DeepSeek model from China is going to seriously undermine OpenAI's near monopoly on AI in the US. In many ways China out innovated us, but on something that we clearly have advantages with concerning our resources. There are competitors of OpenAI who are dissecting DeepSeek's work, and it can be repeated in the US, for cheap. Plus we have the advantage of the computing power here that China lacks. The issue is OpenAI has people's attention, and they are hoping to protect their market, but from other's who methods are more effective. Sort of like Beta vs VHS.

Trump was smart to not invest US dollars in that. Ellison, Altman and Son may fail not because they can't get energy but because the Chinese have matched capability for a fraction of the investment.

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It's truly amazing that nuclear isn't the first choice for the climate change group. Or at least from an environmental perspective, it's the option where we know the pros and cons already.

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